Svelte Flow 0.1.5 & 0.1.4

While adding some last minute features to the new React Flow release we also ported them to Svelte Flow and fixed some issues along the way. This includes making selectable, deletable, draggable and parentId available as props for custom nodes, fixing panel elements standing in the way of making selection boxes and fixing zoom behaviour on mobile.


  • prevent zooming on mobile if zoomOnPinch is false
  • add StraightEdge to built-in path types
  • abort drag when multiple touches are detected
  • fix merge_styles error


  • add selectable, deletable and draggable to node and edge props
  • add parentId to node props
  • add on:edgemouseenter and on:edgemouseleave event handler
  • fix deselection of edges
  • remove pointer events from panel when user selection is active
  • fix viewport initialization with user viewport
  • fix parent node lookup in evaluateAbsolutePosition - thanks @lcsfort